About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine

Oh Happy Day!

Today was the first day back to school for my two older children, Loud Girl is starting 3rd grade and my son Green Bean is starting 1st. Now before all you teachers out there blast me for celebrating, my reasons for happiness are not purely for having them out of the house.

1. Back on Schedule...this is huge for my family, we don't really schedule much over the summer time months, we relax, we play, it's all good. BUT...especially for Loud Girl, the schedule imposed by the school day and the back to school week really does provide a structure that is helpful. We get in a good flowing routine, we accomplish more, we focus better as a family.

2. Boredom...they were getting bored, TRULY. The excitement they had for getting back was contagious for all of us. We've gotten more done in the past week on the home front than in the prior month, it's been fun. We're heading up a neighborhood picnic in a month, it'll be in our back yard and our neighbors back yard, but I'm the "committee" so to speak, it was my idea and hubby and the kids are onboard to help out. So that has been fun and the productivity in the house has given all of us another reason to focus and work together.

3. Daddy time...my husband is a stay-at-home dad, and although he has loved the summer time fun with all the kids, this gives him some sanity time, just him and the baby each day, he gets more done in and out of the house, errands are done without as much turmoil and planning. In short, I have less to do in my time at home, he can do the grocery shopping with one much easier than 3. He can go to DMV, dry cleaners, and bank quickly and efficiently. He feels better about himself and I feel better about the house running well.

4. WOO_HOO, BACK TO SCHOOL. I do have a few things that I will miss, too -- I'll miss the lazy days of summer, the kids playing at the pool with little care in the world but who's jumping off the diving board next. No homework each night, we'd play games, charades, read together, but no forced has to get done homework. I'll miss being able to talk to my sisters during the day, and knowing they can come up if I had any kind of tragedy during the week, I could go and see them and they wouldn't be really really tired and drained, we'd talk about lots of things and they wouldn't be overwhelmed with life coming at them and having to manage not just their own lives professionaly and personally, but the lives of the students they teach. Because let's face it, that's what they do.

They teach, yeah of course. But as I've said before, they parent, they guide, they inspire, they mold these kids. And unfortunately, they have to do this for a lot of the parents they have as well.

So for all the parents out there celebrating I'm with ya on that! For all you teachers going back to the schools, I feel for you, thank you and I'll keep on bringing in presents and care packages to get you through the next 10 months, hopefully it'll have some really good highlights for each of you. Especially for BG and Wine Girl..I love you two, MEAN IT!


  1. Mouthy Girl said...

    Ugh. I'm happy for you and the family of beans. Truly.

    I went in to work this morning while HG and Buddha slept late.

    Got a lot done. Yadda yadda.

    I understand the focus, structure, and 'getting stuff done' things. But I'm never gonna be happy about having to put Buddha back into day care. *kicking the dirt* Makes me cranky.

    Can't wait to hear about Loud Girl's and Green Bean's first day!

  2. cadbury_vw said...

    routine will impose order and often that can be a good thing

    and the kids too - they may bleat about school but it is the centre of their universe, and without it they are kind of lost

    and teachers - yeah - they sure take a load off parents

    i love to teach (mostly i teach adults), but can only admire someone who can do it every day - with kids

    i would have no idea of how to cope

  3. Wine Girl said...

    Glad to hear that LG and Beans are happy and back to school. Know how you feel on the parent end, its just the teacher end that stinks. Went out to school for the second day in a row. Not liking it, but I am getting tons done and it is fun to catch up with people that I haven't seen all summer, I guess I am a lot like the kids in that sense, Thanks for all the compliments to all teachers, we do appreciate it,

    Love you tons!!!

  4. Kim said...

    Sorry BG, but I'm not going back until they drag me kicking and screaming. I'll be there Friday, but not a day before. I too am not looking forward to daycare and having to take my child at the crack of dawn. At least we'll be doing it together.

    Lil' Sis and Wine Girl, thanks for letting me borrow your sister. She saves my sanity a little each day. I just hope I do the same for her.

  5. yellowdoggranny said...

    damn you three are awesome...i stand in jawgapping awe of you all...mothers, wives, and sisters..you stand together...wish i was yo momma...
    also wish i could be there to help with buddha and his cousins..jac

  6. Anonymous said...


    You're honorary family woman! We love you! Thanks for the kind words, just wish our mom had some of them for us.

    Lots of love to you!

  7. E said...

    Congrats on sending them back! If there wasn't school and then summer vacation parents probably wouldn't appreciate their children, or their kids' teachers for that matter, as much as they do!

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