About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine


We have a snow day today.

I'm looking for new schools for my two older kids, Loud Girl is 10 (11 in April) and Green Bean is 9, so she's in 5th he's in 3rd. The current situation and the one we are looking at for next year in the same school system is not looking promising.

They go to the local public school. LG takes some special ed courses, gets reading help and small group for math, and has some accomodations made. She gets speech, PT and OT, but they are trying to get her out of the last two now and not have them next year, I think she'll be fine with that too so not upset about it. Speech we can work on, and it helps her. The small groups are the ideal thing for her, she has ADD and a large group she just gets lost in the shuffle, she's getting much stronger in reading, but she's not fast in reading or writing or calculating, when she has time she does very very well...it's the time factor and group size that are her biggest issues. Our docs say that her 2 1/2 years of chemo just sort of stopped things at a critical developmental time, it's going to take her longer to catch up, she didn't have a cold...this stuff takes years, and there's still so little research on children 2 and under who've had chemo...so it goes. Much of what most would consider her delay is her quickness to finish tasks, her difficulty organizing and socially she's a young 10, but a magnificent 10 as far as I'm concerned. She's had some recent bully problems, one girl imparticular is such a bitch I can't stand her or the parents and the school has done little in my eyes to fix it. The bare minimum. Also, we just learned that next year the reading specialist at the Middle school she should attend is being let go, and 2 of the Spec. Ed positions she'd fall under also being eliminated, cut backs you see. They'll "do their best to accomodate"...i.e., the bare minimum.

Green Bean is an advanced learner, fast learner, finishes quickly and usually with a high level of accuracy, he's ahead in reading, about 4 grade levels and same in math...he's bored beyond belief and he takes the "gifted" program that they have, which is an extra class 2 days a week and he's bored. He needs to be challenged more and can't be, they say when he gets to Middle school there is more offered, but right now he'll have to be a little bored or do more paperwork, read here "busy work" to keep himself occupied.

This whole thing just makes me sad, more sad even than mad. I'm looking at several options but I worry about affording it...I'll use my retirement funds if I have to and pay the penalty, if I prepare them now for college they will do fine, if I wait they won't be ready for college that's how I feel.

I was to visit one of the Montessori options here today but the snow day has pushed it to next week. I hope we like it, I hope it can fit our kids, I hope I can afford it.

I will pray about this, for wisdom and guidance and understanding. I want to make the right decision, not a rash one. I will inform myself, but the worry...I know I have to give it to God, not let it eat me up but some moments it's just overwhelming.

Kids (all 3) and hubby are all getting over colds, but this weekend my oldest said to me when I was tucking her in, "Mom, you know I don't feel good, haven't all day, but I was so happy today, I had so much fun with you guys, that's funny and weird to me that I can be happy but not feel good." I just smiled. I'm happy but don't feel good too sometimes. I'm grateful for the happy.

Good wishes being sent out to my sisters today as well. One just had hand surgery, she's doing well but overburdened with work and masters' program stuff, very proud of all she's doing. The other has had sick little man for what seems like weeks now, hang in there BG and don't you get sick again too!!! P.S. Happy Ice day off to you as well!

Lots of love,

I have no title

for the post I mean.

I will answer to many names, Lil'sis, mommy, I have an official title at work of course, HEAD BITCH...but then again being the only one around that is female I corner that market, Manager of Rectangular office Operations, Head crap shoveler for the BOSS man, "analyst", the usual stuff.

But today as I skooted out the door to get some fresh java and noticed all the construction outside my office door on the 'walking mall' that I work on the hard hatted ones hollered at me..."hey sweet thang, lookin good there honey!"

Yes, it was a great feeling. NOT...but on my way back from said coffee shop, I tried to walk smaller, not be noticed, you know how us girls do, and i have on the cutest high heel boots today to, I was feeling pretty before I sojourned out at first. Well to add insult to injury, or really in this instance it's the other way around, injury to insult....I SPRAIN MY FREAKING ANKLE AGAIN!!!! IN FRONT OF ALL THE LOVELY CONSTRUCTION FOLKS...Buddha Girl would surely have laughed so hard at me...and the coffee I was carrying FOR THE BOSS I might add, goes a flying. Not pretty. One man was just sort of loitering around, I think waiting for the bank next door to open and he grimaced at me, oh the pain in my ankle, and he says, "OMG, that looked horrible" long pause and evil glare from me "oh, right, are you ok?" he added.

On a positive note, my birthday is next week and I ordered myself new beautiful boots, a couple of sweaters and new panties and bra, so so excited. My husband just called, my present arrived for me today....I'll limp and smile as I look adorable tomorrow in my new duds though.

On a lipstick note, got a new lipliner and stick last week, I'm loving them. New makeup goes a long way with me baby.

Lots of love to you!


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