Crazy person cleaning lady
Yes, she is a crazy person, and there have been moments where I think she's a nice woman, down on her luck, a bit unfocused, hard to understand at times, but nice enough.
I don't think that today. She (let's call her TIS, for Thorn in Side) worked at my parent's home for a couple of years, she cleans businesses too and homes of others that I know. Well with my mother's impending move after marriage to her McMansion, she is getting rid of a lot, most, ok almost all of her furniture and decorations and dishes, and draperies, and towels, pots, pans, shoes, clothes, and even the contents of her liquor cabinet. That's right, she'll be replacing it all with new better versions all on the AC's expense account. At least she gets to shop in this deal she calls a marriage. Back to TIS, she wanted a lot, most of what my mother was getting rid of, and my mother is giving it away. Many of the items have been in my family for a long time, grandma's dressers, dining room set that my father bought and I love, china and silver from her wedding...stuff like that. Well naturally mother offered them to her kids first, and we've all thanked her for the items. It's nice to feel like I have a real piece of my childhood and as an extension, a piece of my dad and the memories of him in these items.
Well, TIS was mad. She told me so. She called me at work to let me know that I got a few things she really wanted. She understands but she had her heart set on it. "Since you gots your momma's stuff, I was thinking I could get your stuff that you're replacing it with" HUH?
She wants my stuff now since my "momma" is giving her the shaft, which she isn't but that was the point of her call. My mother did give her many items, linens, lamps, and a couple of dressers that I just didn't have a place for. My mother gave a lot to her church for their "annual sale", and she gave items to me and my sisters as well. Mother said that she felt uncomfortable giving anything else to TIS b/c when they came to get the previous items they just tossed it all around, rifled through it like yesterday's trash she said. It just made her feel uncomfortable she said, especially when TIS said "THAT IT?"
I kindly told TIS that my husband had already arranged for our items to go to a friend of his who is recently divorced, father of 5 and mom has left and taken all their items. But she was kind enough to leave him with the 5 children. So he's now a single father, one income, he's sold the home and downsized to save but needed furniture. We've passed it along. It was in good shape, not old or dilapidated, but I was so excited about the "new" items from my parents house. TIS responds that she doesn't have it as bad as that but she sort of feels like she's owed something since my mother didn't give her what she thought she was going to get. Got that folks. She's owed something b/c of my mother, so figures she can get it from me.
I was trying not to laugh (or yell), she said my mother was an "Indian Giver", welcome back to kindergarten folks, you heard me right an Indian giver.
I thanked her for the call and wished her well and hung up.
I don't think that today. She (let's call her TIS, for Thorn in Side) worked at my parent's home for a couple of years, she cleans businesses too and homes of others that I know. Well with my mother's impending move after marriage to her McMansion, she is getting rid of a lot, most, ok almost all of her furniture and decorations and dishes, and draperies, and towels, pots, pans, shoes, clothes, and even the contents of her liquor cabinet. That's right, she'll be replacing it all with new better versions all on the AC's expense account. At least she gets to shop in this deal she calls a marriage. Back to TIS, she wanted a lot, most of what my mother was getting rid of, and my mother is giving it away. Many of the items have been in my family for a long time, grandma's dressers, dining room set that my father bought and I love, china and silver from her wedding...stuff like that. Well naturally mother offered them to her kids first, and we've all thanked her for the items. It's nice to feel like I have a real piece of my childhood and as an extension, a piece of my dad and the memories of him in these items.
Well, TIS was mad. She told me so. She called me at work to let me know that I got a few things she really wanted. She understands but she had her heart set on it. "Since you gots your momma's stuff, I was thinking I could get your stuff that you're replacing it with" HUH?
She wants my stuff now since my "momma" is giving her the shaft, which she isn't but that was the point of her call. My mother did give her many items, linens, lamps, and a couple of dressers that I just didn't have a place for. My mother gave a lot to her church for their "annual sale", and she gave items to me and my sisters as well. Mother said that she felt uncomfortable giving anything else to TIS b/c when they came to get the previous items they just tossed it all around, rifled through it like yesterday's trash she said. It just made her feel uncomfortable she said, especially when TIS said "THAT IT?"
I kindly told TIS that my husband had already arranged for our items to go to a friend of his who is recently divorced, father of 5 and mom has left and taken all their items. But she was kind enough to leave him with the 5 children. So he's now a single father, one income, he's sold the home and downsized to save but needed furniture. We've passed it along. It was in good shape, not old or dilapidated, but I was so excited about the "new" items from my parents house. TIS responds that she doesn't have it as bad as that but she sort of feels like she's owed something since my mother didn't give her what she thought she was going to get. Got that folks. She's owed something b/c of my mother, so figures she can get it from me.
I was trying not to laugh (or yell), she said my mother was an "Indian Giver", welcome back to kindergarten folks, you heard me right an Indian giver.
I thanked her for the call and wished her well and hung up.
I have one thing to say:
Fuck that cunt. Got it? Fuck her.
If I thought it would be worth the gas money and a fucking McDonald's Super Sized Meal, I'd get one of my gang kids, feed him, let him beat the living shit out of that bitch, then drive him home again.
See how angry a Buddha Girl can get? Holy fuck.
I say fuck her too.
What a dipshit.
Sorry you had to deal with that!
Oh.My.GOD!!!! PLEASE tell me that she doesn't clean your home or that at the very least she won't after what she said to you!
And if you don't fire her let your sister help straighten her out! I like her suggestion and would be happy to pay for the super sizing. ;)
Wow. Talk about an 'entitlement mentality'. That is so lame!
One more thing, you tell Bill I said that he's hurting my FUCKING feelings.
I can't believe that HE can't believe that I have trash mouth. Does he not realize that I inherited this? It's genetic? At least he now knows that TEACHERS DO cruse. Sheesh.
(I bet he's got potty mouth as well! In fact, I bet he's dreaming up a scheme to woo me to your place, so we can all work together! *snicker*)
One more damn thing - E? I'll call you with a play by play if and when it happens. You are too sweet to want in on the scheme. I dig ya!
And that CUNT (I said it again, Bill!) doesn't clean my sister's place. If she cleaned mine, I'd ask my Husband Guy to piss all over the floor ON PURPOSE.
I need a pill. A drink. Something.
BG, I love ya sis and your potty mouth and offers of beating up the lady.
E, No not my house, she used to a few years ago before we had to tighten up a bit, not that great a job, and we let her go.
OTR, THanks for stopping by and you are so right, that is it on the nose!