About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine

well wishes to a bloggy friend

I have a bloggy friend, you all have this friend too. This friend is having a very hard time right now with life, marriage especially. I just wanted to take a second and let this friend know that they are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm hoping that clarity comes this friends way, that self-doubt and self-loathing exit their thinking, and that they find the courage to do what they know they need to for themself and children. This road may not be fun, but we are thinking of this friend with much kindness and love.

Friend, you can do it!


  1. ohc said...
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  2. ohc said...

    I feel something even worse coming soon. If you talk to BG, she can fill you in. We talked about it this am.

    I am sending prayer from here my dear friend! I wish there was a way to help.

    Prayers to you too, for strength where you are and for being such a good friend.

    Love ya, mean it.

    Damn, I can not get this off my mind.

  3. Mouthy Girl said...

    Ok. I was the deleted comment. How in the hell did that happen?

    Anywayyyyyyy, I'm just giving a ditto on the good thoughts, energy, prayers, naked dances...whatever it takes.

    This situation WILL resolve. I promise.

  4. cadbury_vw said...

    the clarity and support of friends in blogland is important

    thoughts and prayers are always well taken

    i hope that things will work their way through for everyone in our blogging circle

  5. t_cole said...

    i do not wish to be left out - all my best too.

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