MIS communication
So they DID NOT fire the woman who throws basketballs at young children's heads and laughs, nope, when the director told my friend and her child, "I've taken care of her, you won't have to worry about her ANYMORE" What she meant was, I told the girl to keep her trap shut and not abuse the children so overtly any longer, she'll just do it in a nice quiet way that the kids won't be sure about for the rest of the summer.
I feel so badly for my friend. She can afford this program, she cannot afford most of the others in our area. She HAS to work, so does her husband. Her family is not local. Her inlaws are going to take her daughter for a week out to thier farm, her child loves these visits, they have a week of vacation in July and she's going to see if she can borrow some funds from her parents to help her afford the other summer programs in our area. I offered hubby's stay at home dad services, she could go to the gym and pool and picnics with him and my kids, they just play a lot in the yard and stuff, but he doesn't throw things at them, or ridicule them, and he's a good cook too!
She's going to complain more to higher ups, but she thinks it's futile. She said when she arrived there today and saw the woman and saw the smirk that she gave her her heart sank. Her daughter looked at her in dismay like, "mommy, I thought you took care of this?" Now she feels like she's failed her child. And she had to leave her there today. The crusher I thought was that the idiot counselor is STILL heading the group of these kids. UNSUPERVISED. They didn't even reassign her to a different group of children...all the kids were wide eyed this morning she said when they saw she was back.
I just don't understand. It sucks.
I feel so badly for my friend. She can afford this program, she cannot afford most of the others in our area. She HAS to work, so does her husband. Her family is not local. Her inlaws are going to take her daughter for a week out to thier farm, her child loves these visits, they have a week of vacation in July and she's going to see if she can borrow some funds from her parents to help her afford the other summer programs in our area. I offered hubby's stay at home dad services, she could go to the gym and pool and picnics with him and my kids, they just play a lot in the yard and stuff, but he doesn't throw things at them, or ridicule them, and he's a good cook too!
She's going to complain more to higher ups, but she thinks it's futile. She said when she arrived there today and saw the woman and saw the smirk that she gave her her heart sank. Her daughter looked at her in dismay like, "mommy, I thought you took care of this?" Now she feels like she's failed her child. And she had to leave her there today. The crusher I thought was that the idiot counselor is STILL heading the group of these kids. UNSUPERVISED. They didn't even reassign her to a different group of children...all the kids were wide eyed this morning she said when they saw she was back.
I just don't understand. It sucks.
Would you like my two cents? I think I know whose kid this is...and I know exactly what she should do. Do you want the phone number?
I will also offer my services as Writer of Letters to the Editor. All she'll have to do is sign her FUCKING name to the letter. I'll even throw in a stamp. Got that?
Those nimrods are walking on thin ice. You don't fuck with someone's kids. One more thing - bouncing a ball off of a kid's head while making mean comments is considered assault in my world.
(I said the F word for Bill.)
She's called school and the district office, waiting on replys, I told her a letter to the editor was highly recommended, but she fears the backlash her and child might get.
Hmmph. Is it the one you used to live next door to...ya know, that one?
Fine. She can take it one step at a time. A LETTER TO THE SUPERINTENDENT with carbons to the school board. That will take care of that. How old is this fucking nitwit camp chick?
one of the things that is really necessary in moving a bureaucracy is to establish timelines - otherwise they will stonewall you until the problem resolves itself or you go away
she needs to phone and say "i exepct an answer or at very minimum a call back by this time"
she should advise the person on the other end that her patience is running out and that she has begun documenting the situation
she should ask the person taking the message for their name (at least first name) their job title and then verbally note the time "you are jane smith, you are the assistant to the man, and this message was received by you at 10:05 am blahday, blahmonth)
the response should be swift
i can actually help here
i know bureaucracies
okay, that's just wrong.
and i think cadbury's absolutely right.
writing - she has to put this in writing to the school/daycare/program.
that makes it legal.
she also needs to keep her own log of events.
i am so effing pissed on behalf of your friend.
if this is public funds - she has all kinds of rights
i agree with BG - letter to the editor.
you don't get a single second back with your kids.
don't regret these...
love and hugs - and whatever else you need!!!!!
You all are too kind, the ball is rolling, I'll keep you updated. Thanks for the suggestions, I've passed it all along to her.
T- It is public school program, and she's really trying to right it for her kid. Between her work and everything else in her life right now, she's just juggling so much. Thanks for the well wishes, right back at ya!
Cad- Your area of expertise I'm guessing is bureaucracies? Thanks again! to everyone
lots of love,