About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine

Sick n'Tired

I could open up a shop with that name, come on by the Sick n'Tired today, we have a special on bubble bath and bon bons!

My hubby has been ill. More clots, blood sucks, or at least his does. I know I'm tired of this I can only imagine what's going on inside his head. Admittedly he's bordering on depressed again. It started a few weeks ago, he got a clot. It got better, tweak in the meds, it was "superficial"...whatever. It got better after a week of being uncomfortable. He was on the mend, back to himself. This past week, HELLO CLOTS, nice to see you again NOT!

And they are on the move, we had the calf, the knee, and now the thigh and hip area. He's got the chest pain, typical for him when he's having a bad time of it. His factor levels are ok, so he should be breaking them up. He's not. He can't walk or drive or move much without pain and did I mention the swelling.

It just isn't fun for anyone, stressful for all of us, routines must change and he doesn't feel good. Let's just not talk about money either, have some faith I know, it'll be ok....I'm letting go and letting God, well at least I'm trying to give me that:)

Got a busy weekend of kids stuff ahead of me and though I enjoy all of it, I'm longing for a respite. Just to be with the family with no agenda, no have to's to worry about. I'm whining now.

It should be a gorgeous weekend here, in the 80's sunny, and bring on the heat! I'm ready!

Spring seems late doesn't it, and we'll have a little summer preview this weekend, yehar!

Lots of love to each of you!


  1. Snickollet said...

    So sorry things have not been going great for your hubs. Stressful for one and all.

    Were you able to catch any bit of a break over the weekend? The summery weather up here was amazing and did good things for my spirits.

    Thinking of you. Hang in there. Thank you for reminding me of "letting go and letting God."


  2. OTRgirl said...

    I'm so sorry your husband is dealing with that. It's hard, too, to only be able to watch and pray. You both have my sympathy.

    I do hope you're getting some time for you, tucked in the middle of all that.

  3. Mouthy Girl said...

    Sick 'n Tired sucks. Period.

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