The dog knocked me out (almost)
I run, I wish I could really say, "I'm a runner" but I'm not, I just run, I love it most of the time, it clears my head, makes me feel good when I'm done and keeps me in pseudo shape so when I have moments of weakness and eat a Ho-ho at 10pm the guilt doesn't overwhelm me so much that I run and make myself vomit...I just tell myself I'll run an extra quarter mile the next day and have a milk chaser. I'm not one of those with a runner's body, you know, sleek, gazelle like, they sort of coast above the ground, barely laying foot to pavement, not to mention they have those six-pack abs that I refuse to believe a mother of 3 can every regain. No I'm short, muscular yes, but there is not a six-pack on my midsection, the remnants of a six pack of doughnuts maybe, or those cute little wine 6-packs you can pick up for a picnic, but no toned hot muscle six-pack to be sure.
In my neighborhood there are these great trails for running, hills, flats, wooded and sunny spaces, tranquil and solitary in parts and near homes and the pool and clubhouse in other areas, I like them, and folks walk their dogs on them, and that's fine, they are very good about picking up the poop or curbing them so they poop where I don't tread, works for me.
There is this one adorable man we'll call him Buddy for anonymity sake, and he has this wonderful dog, beautiful dog I should say, well trained and cared for but still a bit young and prone to jumping up on you with paws on your shoulders and licking you to let you know he's really that big and huge and full of love. I'm ok with it, this dog makes my day quite often, so happy you know, and his owner is very nice as well.
Well I see them while running sometimes and last night was no different, getting my run in a little late, starting to get dark, I'm on the trail and come upon them, naturally I take the ipod off and chit chat and pet my pooch. We're mid sentence and pooch decides, that bead of sweat on her neck looks like a squirrel, I should pounce, and so he LEAPS, and his ginormous skull hits at the base of my chin and knocks me back....on my ass. I'm not graceful in the fall and then I have the doggie on top of me showering me with doggie adorable man watches and chuckles and tries to gain control of said pooch.
I swear I saw white at impact, just a little flash of it. I really thought I must be bleeding, but no, and there is a lovely bruise, but it HURTS SO MUCH MORE than it looks!
When I make it home my spouse asks, "did you fall on your chin?" No, the dog knocked me out. It was good for a few laughs but no sympathy, "that's what you get for running." Like it's a bad thing, like it's stealing hub caps or selling crack on the corner, RUNNING!
In my neighborhood there are these great trails for running, hills, flats, wooded and sunny spaces, tranquil and solitary in parts and near homes and the pool and clubhouse in other areas, I like them, and folks walk their dogs on them, and that's fine, they are very good about picking up the poop or curbing them so they poop where I don't tread, works for me.
There is this one adorable man we'll call him Buddy for anonymity sake, and he has this wonderful dog, beautiful dog I should say, well trained and cared for but still a bit young and prone to jumping up on you with paws on your shoulders and licking you to let you know he's really that big and huge and full of love. I'm ok with it, this dog makes my day quite often, so happy you know, and his owner is very nice as well.
Well I see them while running sometimes and last night was no different, getting my run in a little late, starting to get dark, I'm on the trail and come upon them, naturally I take the ipod off and chit chat and pet my pooch. We're mid sentence and pooch decides, that bead of sweat on her neck looks like a squirrel, I should pounce, and so he LEAPS, and his ginormous skull hits at the base of my chin and knocks me back....on my ass. I'm not graceful in the fall and then I have the doggie on top of me showering me with doggie adorable man watches and chuckles and tries to gain control of said pooch.
I swear I saw white at impact, just a little flash of it. I really thought I must be bleeding, but no, and there is a lovely bruise, but it HURTS SO MUCH MORE than it looks!
When I make it home my spouse asks, "did you fall on your chin?" No, the dog knocked me out. It was good for a few laughs but no sympathy, "that's what you get for running." Like it's a bad thing, like it's stealing hub caps or selling crack on the corner, RUNNING!
see, this is why i don't run. it's DANGEROUS!
(actually, i admire you!)
tell the hub man to piss off about the running.
he, of all people, could use the endorphins.
i am still high from running to the neighbor's house over a week ago. =)
Why didn't I hear this story first-hand?
You already know what I have to say about running as well as about hubby. I won't go into either subject here. *snort*
So how cute is the dog's owner again? Ha!
What a great place to be able to run! That sounds wonderful.
Knocked flying by a dog. Tough to get the proper sympathy on that one! Not that you don't deserve it, but it is funny at the same time. Hit by a car? Sympathy. Fell off a horse? Same. Dog loved me to the ground? Symp ha thy. (see, it even makes me do a very bad joke...terrible).