About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine

Moving right along...

Things are moving right along. My older two kids are away for the week with my sister Kathy and her kids, they are having fun, they call me twice a day and are just so sweet. They miss their little baby sister they said, so they send her kisses and hugs by phone, and ya know, she misses them too, we can tell.

Hubby and I miss them, we really do a lot together I've realized, the house is so quiet, I've read 2 books since they've been away and the house is clean! Can you believe that one! But I'll take my clutter and my kids every day over a spic and span clutterless quiet house.

Saw Mom's new house again yesterday, they finally moved in and renovations are complete, almost. The big stuff is done, their painter apparantely has some issues with the authorities and needed to spend 10 days in the big house, but he'll finish when he gets out she said, "drinking problem" she said in hushed tones... but the painting he's done looks quite good really. It was a fine visit, baby still cries when she looks at the AC, but what can ya do. We're trying here honestly. Mom cried some, she is overwhelmed I guess, moving is a big thing. New marriage, etc., she wants to be happy, she wants her kids to like her and to want to come and see her. She wants some acceptance. We're trying.

MRI is Tuesday, thinking good thougts and thanks again for all the well wishes, Loud Girl is doing pretty ok with all of it, taking it in stride.

Hope everyone else's weeks continue to move right along too in good directions!


  1. E said...

    We're thinking of you and Loud Girl and keep us posted.

  2. Brandi said...

    I hope everything goes ok with the MRI.
    My son had to have one about 2 months ago. He's been having some seizure like moments (kinda like the startle reflex when they are infants) and he had to have an MRI. He had to be sedated, so that was no fun. Everything came out clean with him, so we don't know what is causing it.
    Anyhoo...I hope it's nothing serious with Loud Girl. Sounds like she's been through enough in her lifetime. She, and the rest of your family, deserves a break!!
    Keep us posted!

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