About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine

Am I Hot!

You Are Smokin' Hot

You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.
Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally.
I just didn't know how hot I was, WOW. I saw this on Dork-o-Rama, Terry's blog which I love to read and gave it a try, if I only knew I was this hot all along!
I want to know if you are hot, please let me know*smile*
lots of love,


  1. cadbury_vw said...

    ok - i went and did it and got:

    You Are More Mild Than Wild
    You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.
    Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.

    oh yeah


  2. terry said...

    awww.... thanks for the compliment!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Cadbury-woohoo is right! Terry I love reading your bloggy

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