About Lipstick Cover-Up

This blog is about one woman facing each day - making it happen... surviving... putting up with... overcoming challenges... laughing or crying... and sharing her inner beauty - all while wearing Apricot Beige #7 or Frosted Rose.

Always remember...

"When you are a daughter, mother, sister or girlfriend--you are proof positive that daily surviving can be a beautiful thing."
-- Jodi Hills, Author of Slap on a Little Lipstick...You'll Be Fine

Geez, it's been a while

since I've posted, a few weeks I think. Not that anyone's checking but me, but things have just gotten away from me on the blogging front. I've been reading everyone I usually do, keeping up with that is fun I fit it in to the few minutes I find between work lately. Year-end is just hectic for me at work, and at home you can just forget about me blogging, with Christmas activities and regular activities all still going on, I'm completely scheduled. I thought things were wild and crazy when Emmy and Gabe were both babies, but now with them both "involved" with so many things and Isabel and hubby, and volunteer stuff I've committed too, well, let's just say that I'm getting a babysitter this week to finish my Christmas shopping. Most of it this year was done online thankfully. I do like to shop though, especially this time of year, people have generally been happy and patient, at least where I'm shopping, so it's been fun, even when I have all the kids with me and no husband and it's between horseback riding, Holiday kids party, religion class at church for the kids and grocery shopping, hey, it's still fun!

I'm chairing our local Relay for Life this coming year. I've done Relay for 8 years or so now, and I've been on the Planning committee for several years, but this year I'm chairing it with another person. I knew it would be a lot, I just didn't know how much. So far, I'm making it work, but I just hope I can keep it up. Relay for Life, if you don't know, is a 24 hour event, a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. We plan for 7 months and camp out overnight a Saturday to Sunday for 24 hours, we have activities, lots of them, raffles, we walk around the track, we raise money in more ways than I thought possible. We do a great job. Each year my region has increased our fund total. It is rewarding, inspiring, it gives me HOPE. I've seen the good that comes out of this money, my family has been a beneficiary of the research that was supported by these funds. If you've never been to a Luminary Ceremony, you need to check one out. I would encourage anyone interested to contact their local ACS office, find a Relay and just stop by, you don't have to be on a team or register or help plan it. Just stop by, go the Opening Ceremonies, go see the luminaria, it will be moving, bring tissues. I can't say enough about this event, what it's done for me, my family, my community. Just one of the many things I'm thankful for this time of year.

A few things I'm working on for my new year's resolutions, run the 10 mile road race in town here, I've never done that long of a race before. Continue on my weight loss journey, I've lost 25 pounds and feel fantastic, I'd like to double that total and be the same weight I was when I graduated high school. Probably in better shape too! I want to get the kids more involved with volunteering in our community. I'd like to forgive my mother for so many things and really let go of the negative feelings with my relationship with her. I'd like to see my sister's more than I do and their children. I'd like to save more, floss regularly, and be kinder to myself on a daily basis. Not getting any of these done will not constitute failure, but trying will equal success, I won't berate myself mentally about it, (I hope).

Hope all of you out there in bloggy land have wonderful Holidays, a Merry Christmas and safe and happy New Year's, Oh, that's one other thing, I hope to stay awake to see the ball drop and get a kiss from my husband:)

Lots of love,


  1. Rachel said...

    Wow, congratulations for the weight loss. That's impressive. And Merry Christmas back atcha.

  2. Snickollet said...

    So glad to see a new post! Enjoy the holiday craziness. You have a wonderful family and so much to celebrate.

    Happy holidays.

  3. OTRgirl said...

    I love the Relay for Life idea. I'll have to check that out. I can't believe you can fit that into your already packed schedule!

    And thanks for inspiring me in terms of exercise...

  4. cadbury_vw said...

    i keep an eye on the stars by your title in my blogroll - and there they were today :-)

    thanks for giving an update.

    the end of the tax year is pretty heavy time in a lot of shops - i hope it doesn't impact too negatively on your ability to get your own things done

    you are doing some fantastic things - all those activities for your kids, the weight loss and exercise, and being mindful of yourself

    you are a rip-roaring success as a human being!

    when you say "Not getting any of these done will not constitute failure, but trying will equal success, I won't berate myself mentally about it, (I hope)."

    i keep in mind what Smitten has said to me in similar situations "There's always tomorrow," and "a little is better than none."

    sometimes when everything piles up - soemthing has to go - but don't always make it yourself, or your things - be mindful of your needs too - take at least a little bit of your own time

    cheering for you

  5. Anonymous said...

    Snick - thank you and right back at ya, you've become a blog sister so to speak and I'm wishing you much good fortune not just for the time of year, but b/c you deserve it.

    OTR - I can't say enough about Relay, some things you just make them fit right. I'm not a good looking runner, but I like to do it. Stop by for inspiration any old time, that's part of why I read you:)

    Cad- thank you as usual for the kind words. It's not the taxes that gets me busy, but lots of money moving and trading, etc. My work is great though, love it.
    Wishing you well, I know you've been going through some crazy stuff, it's hard to comment when it's a place I've not been, but I do hope things work out for you and the kids and you can start to fine peace in all aspects of your life in the new year.

  6. Mouthy Girl said...

    Yo yo, skinny!

    Guess what? HG and I just MAY be at the beach for Christmas! I'm crossing my fingers. He finds out in two days!

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