So remind me again, who's day is it?
Yes, that's right, the wedding is tomorrow, shuddering at the thought.
Dear mother calls me today to see what time I'll be at her house tonight for her "pre-wedding dinner party", I tell her I get off work at 4:30 and will go home first then out to her place....WHWHWHAT!!??? she asks, You're not taking off early for MY wedding weekend!
Now, it's a "wedding weekend", not just a "wedding day", these events must trump everything else that goes on in life you see. I tell her as politely as possible, that no, the boss man is traveling, I need to be at the office the WHOLE day today, things to do, all that fun stuff, holding down the fort so to speak. She is incredulous, then she's feigning that she's actually hurt, Well as soon as you get home change and come out right away, I'd think you'd want to show how happy you are for us by being there to help greet people.
She's off her rocker I tell ya. If I show up with cammo on and guns strapped over my body would that be too much, maybe not the best way to greet my "new FAMILY" members. How about some food, I could bring some food that .....oh I can't do that it's against the law. Maybe I can talk really funny, tell them when they ask what I do for a living that I breed animals for medical research or something really nice like that, now that's not nice either, and I'd never do it, maybe just suddenly develop a nervous twitch or something that causes me to hit people, that wouldn't be too bad, I know I'm over reacting here. In the grand scheme of things this is so small potatoes really, it's just a wedding, a little party, smile be cordial, I can fake it, most woman can right at one time or another we're all pressed into faking it for the greater good.
My kids like Japanese food, they love the hibachi grill where they'll cook in front of you, when we go to these places, you always get some strangers seated at your grill unless you have a huge party of people. My dear hubby said to the family that the best way to deal with this event is to pretend where just at one big hibachi party, minus the good sushi, and be nice and cordial to the folks, even the ac, just like we would strangers at the hibachi. Strangers that we'll never see again hopefully, just be friendly and when dinner is done, we're on our way. I think it'll work, NOT!
My son asked us if they really do ask the "speak now..." question, we explained it's just rhetorical really, and they probably won't ask it this go around, too many takers I'm sure. In the back of my mind though I still have that nagging thought that he's going to pipe up and say something, or maybe he'll just burp or fart then, he likes doing that too!
The point of all of this is what really, that my mother is a very selfish woman, any and everytime you talk to her it's all about her, so this is just a weekend where she thinks she's allowed more so than usual to be overly self absorbed, because after all it is "HER WEEKEND".
On a happier note, happy birthday to my dearest baby buddha, I'll miss seeing him this weekend, his rosy cheeks and red hair, walking around with him and showing him butterflies. Enjoy your 1st birthday and know that we'd all rather be celebrating with you and in our hearts and minds, that's right where we'll be!
Dear mother calls me today to see what time I'll be at her house tonight for her "pre-wedding dinner party", I tell her I get off work at 4:30 and will go home first then out to her place....WHWHWHAT!!??? she asks, You're not taking off early for MY wedding weekend!
Now, it's a "wedding weekend", not just a "wedding day", these events must trump everything else that goes on in life you see. I tell her as politely as possible, that no, the boss man is traveling, I need to be at the office the WHOLE day today, things to do, all that fun stuff, holding down the fort so to speak. She is incredulous, then she's feigning that she's actually hurt, Well as soon as you get home change and come out right away, I'd think you'd want to show how happy you are for us by being there to help greet people.
She's off her rocker I tell ya. If I show up with cammo on and guns strapped over my body would that be too much, maybe not the best way to greet my "new FAMILY" members. How about some food, I could bring some food that .....oh I can't do that it's against the law. Maybe I can talk really funny, tell them when they ask what I do for a living that I breed animals for medical research or something really nice like that, now that's not nice either, and I'd never do it, maybe just suddenly develop a nervous twitch or something that causes me to hit people, that wouldn't be too bad, I know I'm over reacting here. In the grand scheme of things this is so small potatoes really, it's just a wedding, a little party, smile be cordial, I can fake it, most woman can right at one time or another we're all pressed into faking it for the greater good.
My kids like Japanese food, they love the hibachi grill where they'll cook in front of you, when we go to these places, you always get some strangers seated at your grill unless you have a huge party of people. My dear hubby said to the family that the best way to deal with this event is to pretend where just at one big hibachi party, minus the good sushi, and be nice and cordial to the folks, even the ac, just like we would strangers at the hibachi. Strangers that we'll never see again hopefully, just be friendly and when dinner is done, we're on our way. I think it'll work, NOT!
My son asked us if they really do ask the "speak now..." question, we explained it's just rhetorical really, and they probably won't ask it this go around, too many takers I'm sure. In the back of my mind though I still have that nagging thought that he's going to pipe up and say something, or maybe he'll just burp or fart then, he likes doing that too!
The point of all of this is what really, that my mother is a very selfish woman, any and everytime you talk to her it's all about her, so this is just a weekend where she thinks she's allowed more so than usual to be overly self absorbed, because after all it is "HER WEEKEND".
On a happier note, happy birthday to my dearest baby buddha, I'll miss seeing him this weekend, his rosy cheeks and red hair, walking around with him and showing him butterflies. Enjoy your 1st birthday and know that we'd all rather be celebrating with you and in our hearts and minds, that's right where we'll be!
All this talk of the Wedding Weekend's putting me to sleep.
I'm glad I got to talk to you and Kath tonight. Tell Joe I said to pump you both full of wine. When the "speak now..." moment comes, tell Green Bean there's the X-Box game of his choice if he decides to SPEAK.
Buddha and I will be sending you guys good vibes this weekend. Here's to hoping the ac suffers a heart attack and our MF gets conked in the head by a flying rock. The ac can die. Our MF should merely come to her senses.
Love you!
i dare you to say something at the "speak now" moment...
although a kidly burp or fart would be even better.
hang in there, and just think of all the great material this thing will give you to blog about... ;)
I think you will get your point across if, when they say it, the whole family suddenly has a coughing fit! That would be priceless wedding video footage. Seriously though, I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow. I know it will be rough. But, even if she never comes to her senses, she is the one that has to live with him everyday, not you. Thank God for that!
Man...your mom and my sister were cut from the same cloth.
I wonder what would happen if we locked the two of them in the same room together for 24 hours? Maybe they'd do each other in....
How the fuck did I miss your previous post? I just read it and laughed my ass off!
Should I also mention how you called a tad tipsy last night and today? *snicker*
I think Terry had the right idea with some tranquilizers.
Hot Girl, Hippi, and Lorna were all great today. I had a WONDERFUL time at the Art Show. Yes yes...good times.
I was sending copious amounts of BAD karma your way. I was hoping you'd lose control of your bowels and shit in their McMansion. A girl can hope, can't she?
hey - it's monday - we need an update on the wedding
the suspense is KILLING me!