It's not as easy as it looks
Lots of people, (by that I mean the few I actually know) think my job is just cake, so easy, good money, great boss...well it's not always SOOO friggin' easy, and not always soOOOOOOmuch fun either. Working with millionaires when your not one of them is not always a blast, sometimes it sucks. Today for instance....I think I'm the only one of the 3 of us here, no I KNOW I am the only one that NEEDS her payroll to enter her account exactly when it's supposed to, I DO live paycheck to paycheck, especially since hubby had to medically retire right before we had baby #3 in November. He is a wonderful stay at home daddy to all 3, but the change in salary for the family has created pressure let's say. And the long gone "savings account" was such a luxury when it existed, now it is just a playful memory. I can do TIGHT, I can be Frugal....but I must have the payroll arrive on time. I spent this morning with the banks and wiring funds so monies would arrive where they needed to. I called in favors from other assistants to make this happen, I owe one guy lunch and another lady coffee. Small prices to pay to keep the homefires payed for I guess. They are nice folks so they'll probably forgive the favor callin and let me off without doing lunch or coffee. Right now I need a drink, a long smooth swig of wine would do me, I've never been one for liquor anyhow, but I guess that could help too.
I hate panic mode, I don't care for "Oh shit" moments, they stress me.
All is better now, I must let it go.
About dear mother's nuptuals this weekend, now I have a dinner on Friday to attend to meet and greet and be cordial to and diffuse any tension at or with the new "other half" of the newly made Instant Family- I don't want anymore family. I'm overloaded with what I've got already thank you very much. Then we have said wedding on Saturday, I can only hope for lightening to strke the ac down when he enters the church to which he is not a member and does not believe in. Then the horrid reception, where I'll have to keep all the children from running around like crazies even though they should be able to play with their cousins and have fun on a weekend summer like day and do fun cousin things, no they'll have to pretend to me quiet, seen and not heard children ALL DAMN DAY, now she want everyone back to her house after the reception , TO HAVE FUN TOGETHER, WTF! I don't want that, I want to go to my home with my sister and brother in law and my kids and hubby and grill and drink wine and laugh a little, or cry as the occaision might call for it.
NOW, too she's added a SUNDAY breakfast, to CELBRATE again. She is so MEMEMEMEMEMe, I can't take it anymore, she said to me when I told her I couldn't do all of it, "Well I just thought that I don't get married every day, maybe my children would actually want to share this with me. " I wanted to point out that this will indeed be her 3rd marriage so she does do it more often then most folks I know, maybe I'll be more inclined to enjoy the 4th one though, I didn't say it, I'm not heartless. I told her I'd do my best, but couldn't commit the entire family to all these functions.
My oldest is sick, maybe strep, I'll find out at 3 today, she feels horrid and is missing all the fun times at the last week of school, she's bummed. I think the baby is getting "the illness" now, she was up so much the last 2 nights and she has so rarely done that, so I'm worried. My son is now the most outspoken 6 and a half year old I know and I think when they priest says, "speak now...." he most likely will have a few words to add!
So this Saturday at around 11 am eastern standard time, if you're inclined to such things, please do say a little prayer or send some good karma my way, I'm sure I'll get through it just fine, but good thoughts coming my way can only help! I need strength to guard of the negative beast that wants to pop out and kill someone at the ceremony. On Sunday, if you read of a woman killing her soon to be step father at a wedding, it's me and you can send money to my defense fund care of Buddha Girl!
Lots of love,
I hate panic mode, I don't care for "Oh shit" moments, they stress me.
All is better now, I must let it go.
About dear mother's nuptuals this weekend, now I have a dinner on Friday to attend to meet and greet and be cordial to and diffuse any tension at or with the new "other half" of the newly made Instant Family- I don't want anymore family. I'm overloaded with what I've got already thank you very much. Then we have said wedding on Saturday, I can only hope for lightening to strke the ac down when he enters the church to which he is not a member and does not believe in. Then the horrid reception, where I'll have to keep all the children from running around like crazies even though they should be able to play with their cousins and have fun on a weekend summer like day and do fun cousin things, no they'll have to pretend to me quiet, seen and not heard children ALL DAMN DAY, now she want everyone back to her house after the reception , TO HAVE FUN TOGETHER, WTF! I don't want that, I want to go to my home with my sister and brother in law and my kids and hubby and grill and drink wine and laugh a little, or cry as the occaision might call for it.
NOW, too she's added a SUNDAY breakfast, to CELBRATE again. She is so MEMEMEMEMEMe, I can't take it anymore, she said to me when I told her I couldn't do all of it, "Well I just thought that I don't get married every day, maybe my children would actually want to share this with me. " I wanted to point out that this will indeed be her 3rd marriage so she does do it more often then most folks I know, maybe I'll be more inclined to enjoy the 4th one though, I didn't say it, I'm not heartless. I told her I'd do my best, but couldn't commit the entire family to all these functions.
My oldest is sick, maybe strep, I'll find out at 3 today, she feels horrid and is missing all the fun times at the last week of school, she's bummed. I think the baby is getting "the illness" now, she was up so much the last 2 nights and she has so rarely done that, so I'm worried. My son is now the most outspoken 6 and a half year old I know and I think when they priest says, "speak now...." he most likely will have a few words to add!
So this Saturday at around 11 am eastern standard time, if you're inclined to such things, please do say a little prayer or send some good karma my way, I'm sure I'll get through it just fine, but good thoughts coming my way can only help! I need strength to guard of the negative beast that wants to pop out and kill someone at the ceremony. On Sunday, if you read of a woman killing her soon to be step father at a wedding, it's me and you can send money to my defense fund care of Buddha Girl!
Lots of love,
I will definitely think good Have the Strength to Get Thru the Day and Don't Kill Your Mother or the AC This Weekend thoughts your way. Good luck and hang in there. And please, vent to us. That's what we're here for! We'll be thinking of you and your family. Hope everyone feels better soon, too.
Thanks E, right back at ya!
i would love to NOT live paycheck to paycheck.
at least i only have myself to care for. i can't imagine how hard it is to raise a family this way.
and i think some nice tranquilizers would do you a world of good this weekend. what a nightmare.
sending good thoughts your way... hang in there...
thanks Terry! I hope your weekend is a blast, I'll be feeling all the good thoughts I hope on Saturday!
transferring funds as we speak.