How to?
Can someone tell me in simple steps, how to post the links to the blogs I like to read on my page? I should know how to do this, but I don't and I figured it would be easier to ask you all then research it and figure it out, you all are the pros right? If you need information of any kind go the the pros in that particular area, that's what my dad always said....
So tell me please.
Other matters: Isabel is back to herself, sleeping happily through the night, taking her naps faithfully for the most part. Who knows, a growth spurt maybe.
I saw a man get chased on foot today by police, the pharmacist and the counter clerk from the local pharmacy, he stole his prescription it looked like. If I ever have to go the way of stealing and theivery, ( I don't think this will happen, I'm not inclined to steal, too scary, and prison would not agree with my delicate constitution) I will make sure to do it when this officer is on duty. The pharmacist and counter clerk were running way ahead of him and they look back and yell, "Come on, he's getting away!" The pharmacist was a fast person, she was on his tail quick, the counter clerk wasn't a "runner" but she was holding her own. The poor police man was staggering. Now I'm not knocking police people in general, that is husband's profession before early retirement to be stay at home dad, but they have exercise facilities at the precincts for a reason.
Update on the friend of husband's that had the unfortunate "video tape" incident as described in a previous post, he's not talking to us anymore. Don't know why, don't really care why. I have a finite amount of time here and I choose to spend it wisely, doing things that make me happy with my kids, my husband, my family and friends. People that like me for me, not what they want from me. I can't pick my crazy family God love them, but I can pick my friends.
Anyone ever see Willie Nelson in concert? If so, how was it? I only know "mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" and am not all that familiar with the genre as a whole, any insights here are welcomed.
I've spoken before about my job, how I truly love what I do and where and with whom I work. I had my review, and the boss agrees, YIPEE!! It went very well, I was very surprised, happy, relieved and grateful. Knowing you are appreciated is a great thing, employees everywhere should always be so fortunate. This has taken a real load off, we've been hanging on and getting by, but we've been worried. The choice we came too having him stay home with the kids really makes the most sense whichever way we looked at it for so many reasons. Now it's ok, our choice will work out.
Hope everyone in bloggyland is having a great day!
So tell me please.
Other matters: Isabel is back to herself, sleeping happily through the night, taking her naps faithfully for the most part. Who knows, a growth spurt maybe.
I saw a man get chased on foot today by police, the pharmacist and the counter clerk from the local pharmacy, he stole his prescription it looked like. If I ever have to go the way of stealing and theivery, ( I don't think this will happen, I'm not inclined to steal, too scary, and prison would not agree with my delicate constitution) I will make sure to do it when this officer is on duty. The pharmacist and counter clerk were running way ahead of him and they look back and yell, "Come on, he's getting away!" The pharmacist was a fast person, she was on his tail quick, the counter clerk wasn't a "runner" but she was holding her own. The poor police man was staggering. Now I'm not knocking police people in general, that is husband's profession before early retirement to be stay at home dad, but they have exercise facilities at the precincts for a reason.
Update on the friend of husband's that had the unfortunate "video tape" incident as described in a previous post, he's not talking to us anymore. Don't know why, don't really care why. I have a finite amount of time here and I choose to spend it wisely, doing things that make me happy with my kids, my husband, my family and friends. People that like me for me, not what they want from me. I can't pick my crazy family God love them, but I can pick my friends.
Anyone ever see Willie Nelson in concert? If so, how was it? I only know "mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" and am not all that familiar with the genre as a whole, any insights here are welcomed.
I've spoken before about my job, how I truly love what I do and where and with whom I work. I had my review, and the boss agrees, YIPEE!! It went very well, I was very surprised, happy, relieved and grateful. Knowing you are appreciated is a great thing, employees everywhere should always be so fortunate. This has taken a real load off, we've been hanging on and getting by, but we've been worried. The choice we came too having him stay home with the kids really makes the most sense whichever way we looked at it for so many reasons. Now it's ok, our choice will work out.
Hope everyone in bloggyland is having a great day!
add the blogs you are interested in rolling
then you will need to alter your template
i think there is an automatic thing over at blogrolling that will do it for you if you put in your blogger id and password
or you can copy and paste it into your template
if you don't trust blogrolling (and they are safe), you could change your blogger password and someone else (me, BG, hippi...?) could edit your template manually and then you could change your password back
i'm really glad to hear the stay at home decision is working out for you
Lemme say a few things:
1. I think I would have wet my pants in public had I been able to watch that Rx stealer being chased by those people. Why do I miss the good stuff?
2. I can't do the links in the blog thing. I am a dunce in that area.
3. I knew Izzy would get herself back on track.
4. If our fellow bloggers knew the entire deal surrounding your annual review, they would be dancing in the streets celebrating for you! I know I did last night!
5. Ask our MF about Willie. Don't you remember when she and Daddy went to see him and Kenny Rogers? Remember how that guy from Texas kept trying to get her to toke up on some doobage?
6. Video tape boy is throwing an adult tantrum. He wanted to see you and YOUR HG in action. He feels he's been deprived. If you want, I'll key his car(s) the next time I come visit!
Cadbury, you are a doll, thank you we'll see how it works for me later today. The stay at home thing is a blessing, I'll have to share with you via email about my review, it was stupendous!
BG, I would never ask mother, her experience is too colored b/c dad was with her, it would be fun to see the Wiggles with Dad, or go to a funeral with him, as we well knew. Her opinion is not valid anyhow. I'll try Cad's suggestion and then I'll ask him for help if I can't get it too work. Thank heavens for Izzy, I'm spoiled with a good night's sleep, I wish I could have seen you dancing, and video tape man, well the closest he'll get to ever seeing me in action is to see the action of my fist hit his nose!
lots of love,
BTW - are you still getting any sleep?
i'm moderately mystfied at BGs comment with regard to your review
i thought that things were all good at work, especially after the support they gave you around that bit of time off/trip
(i went to go document my above comment, but your archives appear to be non-existent)
I think it's fixed, I sent you an email at the one listed on your profile.