Happy Father's Day
I won't be posting over the weekend and wanted to send a Happy Father's day out to all the Dads.
I will celebrate for my husband and my brother's in law, all wonderful fathers, me and my sisters are blessed I know.
I will miss my Daddy. We were so very blessed to have him. I know he watches over us and I hope we still make him proud. He was a strong and gentle man. He loved us, he believed in us, and he was always there for us. He protected, encouraged, and disciplined. He was the funniest man I've ever known, probably ever will know. He had a very hard life growing up but we only knew his love.
I thank him every day.
Hubby and I were talking last night and as we do tried to temper the good with the bad, the sad with the happy. We made lists for eachother, the 5 Best Moments and 5 Worst Moments. We shared the worst first and the best second. We had a lot of the same things. I'm very grateful for him, he's a great husband and father.
5 Worst Moments: (these are chonological, they weren't weighted)
- Day my sister died
- Day Husband was diagnosed with cancer
- Day Daughter was diagnosed with cancer
- Day Son was diagnosed with heart disease
- Day my Dad died
5 Best Moments:
- Day I got married
- Days I had each of my 3 kids, so that counts for 3
- Any of my family vacation days, (hubby said that wasn't fair, but I just can't pick one!)
I felt better after we spoke, I was feeling kind of sad before hand.
I wish I could say that good things have come from all the things above, and mostly that's true, except for my father dying. Nothing good has come of that for me. I will always miss him, always feel like something is missing. Thanks to my sisters who make this bearable, thanks to my children for making me smile and love life, thanks to my husband for showing me the kind of unconditional non-judgemental love that I got from my Dad as well.
I'm happy today and I feel good about this weekend. Reminding myself of all the things I am thankful for is a comforting thing for me.
I will celebrate for my husband and my brother's in law, all wonderful fathers, me and my sisters are blessed I know.
I will miss my Daddy. We were so very blessed to have him. I know he watches over us and I hope we still make him proud. He was a strong and gentle man. He loved us, he believed in us, and he was always there for us. He protected, encouraged, and disciplined. He was the funniest man I've ever known, probably ever will know. He had a very hard life growing up but we only knew his love.
I thank him every day.
Hubby and I were talking last night and as we do tried to temper the good with the bad, the sad with the happy. We made lists for eachother, the 5 Best Moments and 5 Worst Moments. We shared the worst first and the best second. We had a lot of the same things. I'm very grateful for him, he's a great husband and father.
5 Worst Moments: (these are chonological, they weren't weighted)
- Day my sister died
- Day Husband was diagnosed with cancer
- Day Daughter was diagnosed with cancer
- Day Son was diagnosed with heart disease
- Day my Dad died
5 Best Moments:
- Day I got married
- Days I had each of my 3 kids, so that counts for 3
- Any of my family vacation days, (hubby said that wasn't fair, but I just can't pick one!)
I felt better after we spoke, I was feeling kind of sad before hand.
I wish I could say that good things have come from all the things above, and mostly that's true, except for my father dying. Nothing good has come of that for me. I will always miss him, always feel like something is missing. Thanks to my sisters who make this bearable, thanks to my children for making me smile and love life, thanks to my husband for showing me the kind of unconditional non-judgemental love that I got from my Dad as well.
I'm happy today and I feel good about this weekend. Reminding myself of all the things I am thankful for is a comforting thing for me.
i feel for your loss
i am glad for you that you and your husband seem to have such a good emotional connection after all that you have been through
your words in describing him and your relationship with him show such a bond
it's odd, but ithink of you and your situation often during my day and watch for your blog updates, and on the days when my cynicism fades a little, i pray to the god i hope is there that all of your family will be well and healthy
other days i just hope for you
i am glad to have some sense of your husband through you
i hope his father's day goes well
i wish you and your children well each day also
Sister, I know I don't have to say anything other than I know. I know.
I miss Daddy every day. I packed up the picture I STOLE from Mom's house today when I packed up everything in my classroom. I had a shit-eating grin on my face when I slid the frame into my bag. I'm bad and don't care.
I'm going to celebrate him, Serious Man, your HG, and my HG this weekend by doing three things:
1. Going to the local Relay for Life and walking a few miles with Buddha.
2. Going to the Lebanese Festival where we had my wedding reception. The food is divine.
3. Taking Buddha to the park. I'm going to do the usual: swing him HIGH HIGH HIGH and while his swing slows down, jump on my own and swing along with him.
I know Daddy would love all three things.
Mucho grande love to you, the Beans, and your goofball HG.
And Cad...? The things you see in my sister's love for her family can and should be yours. Kudos to you for knowing a good situation when you see it. Thanks for sending good thought's my sister's way each day!
You are so lucky to have him...
Happy Father's Day to all of you!
That was a touching post! Maybe I missed it, but I didn't know you had a sister that died. How awful!