I've recently read some very funny things about miscommunication, here's onehttp://signgurl.blogspot.com/2006/06/he-said-she-said.html, I thought that was so funny, thank you Sign Girl for sharing it. I've read some not so funny items as well, downright sad in fact. People who fail to speak to eachother in marriage, friends who let friendships fade for reasons they don't remember, parents who don't talk to their kids, etc., you get the picture.
Well, a friend of mine told me yesterday that her daughter (6 years old) she's a friend of my Green Bean, well this child told her mom on Monday night that she no longer wanted to go to the summer program she's been attending. That was it, wasn't going anymore and that she'd go to work with mom and dad for the rest of the summer or she could spend time at Green Beans house since his daddy stays at home. WHY???? I'm so happy the mom prodded the child as to why, well you see one of the "counselors" really does NOT like kids apparantly. She likes to kick their toys when she's in charge of the small group of K-1st graders, bounce the basketballs off of their heads b/c it's funny she said, likes to tell the kids to shut up b/c they are annoying or ugly or useless. Well this kid just wasn't going to have it anymore, she told the counselor she was going to "tell on her", to which the young woman said, "I don't care, go ahead, they won't believe you!"
Well, she told her mom and proceeded to tell her mother the following (this is from the email she sent to me, names are changed)
" She said she didn’t care, then turned around and wrote my 6 year old an apology note for being mean, gave her the phone number and address and told her to come play. Then in the next breath told her she didn’t want to look at her or be around her, daughter told her good she didn’t want to be near her either and she couldn’t wait for her to get in trouble. This woman is crazy!! The program boss is off for the week and mean counselor lady wasn’t there yesterday when I picked her up. Tomorrow I’m going to talk to Name of person who is next in line after Boss lady and I know he thinks a lot of daughter. What a mess!!! I really think something is wrong with this woman! She told daughter that she knows exactly where she lives because her sister lives on street next to ours and she has been by our house. I think she gave daughter her phone number to try to bate me into calling her, so she could pretend that we were picking on her. Believe me I really do want to call her and tell her what for! Daughter was really enjoying the program too and now this crazy b_ _ ch has to ruin it! "
WHAT!!! Well I told her not to wait another second, to call now, call and talk to someone right now, that crazy woman could be doing the same or worse to some other little kid who maybe doesn't talk to their parents so well. She did.
CRAZY B===CH WAS FIRED YESTERDAY!!! There had been several complaints, SEVERAL. So last night my friend, who's phone number is listed gets several "WRONG NUMBER" calls late at night, with giggling in the backround. Idiots.
All this makes me happy that so far my kids talk a lot to me, they tell me about their days and I ask them how they are, we talk a lot, too much some might say. And we're pretty frank and honest about things. We've had some no holds barred talks for their ages I think, they are curious little buggers, but hubby and I will always be honest with them we've said. Sometimes it's hard, but in the long run I hope it helps them. That or I'm totally scarring them for life!
Anyone else have some good communication or miscommunication stories?
Well, a friend of mine told me yesterday that her daughter (6 years old) she's a friend of my Green Bean, well this child told her mom on Monday night that she no longer wanted to go to the summer program she's been attending. That was it, wasn't going anymore and that she'd go to work with mom and dad for the rest of the summer or she could spend time at Green Beans house since his daddy stays at home. WHY???? I'm so happy the mom prodded the child as to why, well you see one of the "counselors" really does NOT like kids apparantly. She likes to kick their toys when she's in charge of the small group of K-1st graders, bounce the basketballs off of their heads b/c it's funny she said, likes to tell the kids to shut up b/c they are annoying or ugly or useless. Well this kid just wasn't going to have it anymore, she told the counselor she was going to "tell on her", to which the young woman said, "I don't care, go ahead, they won't believe you!"
Well, she told her mom and proceeded to tell her mother the following (this is from the email she sent to me, names are changed)
" She said she didn’t care, then turned around and wrote my 6 year old an apology note for being mean, gave her the phone number and address and told her to come play. Then in the next breath told her she didn’t want to look at her or be around her, daughter told her good she didn’t want to be near her either and she couldn’t wait for her to get in trouble. This woman is crazy!! The program boss is off for the week and mean counselor lady wasn’t there yesterday when I picked her up. Tomorrow I’m going to talk to Name of person who is next in line after Boss lady and I know he thinks a lot of daughter. What a mess!!! I really think something is wrong with this woman! She told daughter that she knows exactly where she lives because her sister lives on street next to ours and she has been by our house. I think she gave daughter her phone number to try to bate me into calling her, so she could pretend that we were picking on her. Believe me I really do want to call her and tell her what for! Daughter was really enjoying the program too and now this crazy b_ _ ch has to ruin it! "
WHAT!!! Well I told her not to wait another second, to call now, call and talk to someone right now, that crazy woman could be doing the same or worse to some other little kid who maybe doesn't talk to their parents so well. She did.
CRAZY B===CH WAS FIRED YESTERDAY!!! There had been several complaints, SEVERAL. So last night my friend, who's phone number is listed gets several "WRONG NUMBER" calls late at night, with giggling in the backround. Idiots.
All this makes me happy that so far my kids talk a lot to me, they tell me about their days and I ask them how they are, we talk a lot, too much some might say. And we're pretty frank and honest about things. We've had some no holds barred talks for their ages I think, they are curious little buggers, but hubby and I will always be honest with them we've said. Sometimes it's hard, but in the long run I hope it helps them. That or I'm totally scarring them for life!
Anyone else have some good communication or miscommunication stories?
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