With Freedom Comes Responsibility....
Oh yes, these are good words to live by I think, not just to speak them, but live by. In that effort I will try and manage the freedom I feel this bloggy gives me with the responsibiltiy it also deserves! I'm going to do it today! I feel responsible for letting everyone in eyesight know that we all have to pitch in, we all have to take part in this life, we all make a difference we choose what kind of difference that will be...for example...both of my sisters, Buddha Girl and KC, are teachers, amazing wonderful, talented women who have chosen to share of themselves everyday in order to educate kids...now when they chose this field, they actually (foolishly they would say) thought they'd be teaching reading, writing, math and the like...didn't know they'd be teaching personal hygiene, social skills, compassion, self-worth, self-awareness, humanity, COMMON SENSE, to these kids AND THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS!!! I am fortunate that I love my job, I really love what I do, and they compensate me very well for it, I think of my sisters each and every day and I think of their coworkers, friends, that they work with. These folks deserve so much more than they get, they need to be compensated, respected, rewarded in many ways for the difference they make. In that vein I'm sending letters today to my state and federal representatives and senators asking them to be supportive of our educators and to support efforts to increase their pay, to support efforts that will allow them the freedom to teach NOT TEST, and to trust them to weild that freedom with responsibility. It's a small thing, some may think it lame, but it's a start for me, I'd like to shout from the rooftops at these legislators but I can't, I've never been one to repel well. Feel free to join me or laugh at me:) Gotta go compose, lots of love, Little Sista
I have a friend who is a teacher. It amazes me all that he talks about. The politics that go on, the reports that need to be generated. The antics with at least some of the kids. It is a shame teachers could not just teach.
My hat off to your sister and all people like them. Thanks for caring.
Well said!
Both my oldest daughter (City Penguin) and my husband are teachers.
City teaches first grade and Sweet Man teaches college.
They both love teaching~but all the OTHER b.s. gets them down :(
thanks for caring.
You are GREAT! I'm gonna make you some chocolate CAKE!(I'm such a fucking poet. Impressed yet?)
Hope you guys got back home without any highway incidents like that one with the dog flying out the window.
Talk with ya tomorrow, sister!
I have long thought it was fucking backwards for politicians to make bank and educators to make damn near nothing...and then stuff like nclb comes along and the bureaucrats want to blame the teachers when it fails?
Ok, That's fucked up.
I have an idea!!! We'll give teachers what they deserve (somewhere between NFL pay and Moviestar Pay) and just to balance it out, we'll put the politicians on commission! That'll teach 'em.
Hey, I'm writing a few letters tonight myself!!