My First Time
WOW, this is my very first post, my first blog, my first time! I must thank my Big Sis, Buddha Girl for the inspiration, I only wanted to post a reply to one of her blogs and had to sign up to do so, unlike what she told me! All is forgiven though, and I'll do a best efforts at keeping up with this.
Holy crap! I feel so warm and fuzzy now!
Introducing my shoe-collector-whore sister!
You would have loved it...I had a melt-down at work today. It was precious. I had kids high-fiving me on their way out the door this afternoon. *snicker*
Welcome to the world of blogging. Poke around a little and have a good time. Go visit other peoples blogs when you get a chance and leave a comment. Usually they will come and say hi to you too. A good place to start, the links on Buddha Girls page.
Good luck with your blog!
Yea! another shoe-collector-whore ANd you bg's lil' sis!
Welcome =)