Thank Heavens for...
Well I have 2 little girls and a boy to thank heavens for, but I'm just feeling thankful all around today....this was my first weekend in a very long time without my husband, who is a stay at home dad, retired, and loves his family...he's going through some things right now that have caused him to be away for a week or so, and I was flying solo...it ain't easy let me tell you as evidenced in my previous post, however I am learning a lot about myself:
- I am resilient, more than I thought
- I love my children with every ounce of my person, it is overwhelming at times, and they know when I need them to be on board with me, and they have been, good kids!
- My sisters, this includes My bestest friend M, are my rock and foundation...at all times, not just the tough ones.
- I can do anything I set my mind too; this is important, sounds so trite, you hear it all the time, but the fact is that it is so true, some time the setting of the mind so to speak is done for you in that you have no choice, but knowing I can do it, knowing I can find the strength and energy at times is a big upper for me, and that's without medication even:)
- With the passing of my father, a part of me just sort of froze, my heart felt broken, my soul somewhat adrift at times; those of you who knew him or of him know what a spirit he had, the foundation he gave me and my sisters, truly inspiring. I've felt him with me this past week more than ever...I can hear him say things to me that he said in years past, the echo of which has helped me tremendously, focus on the positive, find a silver lining, take small steps, believe, breathe, hope without reason, trust others, ask for help, these are all hard to do and he makes it easy - possible. I see him in my children, my sisters, and even me. I think I'm thawing out a bit, I feel a bit more free.
Harmony to be restored soon I think as much as a home with 3 kids can have at least, the messy disorganized harmony I so love!
- I am resilient, more than I thought
- I love my children with every ounce of my person, it is overwhelming at times, and they know when I need them to be on board with me, and they have been, good kids!
- My sisters, this includes My bestest friend M, are my rock and foundation...at all times, not just the tough ones.
- I can do anything I set my mind too; this is important, sounds so trite, you hear it all the time, but the fact is that it is so true, some time the setting of the mind so to speak is done for you in that you have no choice, but knowing I can do it, knowing I can find the strength and energy at times is a big upper for me, and that's without medication even:)
- With the passing of my father, a part of me just sort of froze, my heart felt broken, my soul somewhat adrift at times; those of you who knew him or of him know what a spirit he had, the foundation he gave me and my sisters, truly inspiring. I've felt him with me this past week more than ever...I can hear him say things to me that he said in years past, the echo of which has helped me tremendously, focus on the positive, find a silver lining, take small steps, believe, breathe, hope without reason, trust others, ask for help, these are all hard to do and he makes it easy - possible. I see him in my children, my sisters, and even me. I think I'm thawing out a bit, I feel a bit more free.
Harmony to be restored soon I think as much as a home with 3 kids can have at least, the messy disorganized harmony I so love!
Yea! Guess it just might be true what they say - if it doesn't kill ya, it makes ya stronger!! :-)
Ahh gratitude. It's necessary these days, sister.
I'm grateful for the fact that your kids are your safe harbor this week. The two older hellions were so damn good this weekend...they brought me to tears. I was so impressed with how good they were to YOU and with Buddha. Amazing stuff, I tell you.
Daddy lives on in each of the kids. That much is true. And it's because he's breathing through you, Kath, and me.
Like you, I'm starting to thaw out a little. Every morning I think of him grinding the damn coffee beans. The next time I'm at the maternal one's house, I'm stealing my Brownie Coffee Mug. Daddy always saved that one for me. It's time it found a home in MY home!
Hey Little Sis. It's BG's partner in crime. Don't know why I've waited this long to respond. You guys will make it through all the crap hitting the fan lately, because of the strength your dad instilled in you. You guys are some of the strongest chicks I've ever met. Hang in there! K