Hello to all the Buddha Girl followers who are taking a sneak peak at me! I saw her post and my beautiful pic, yes that's me alright, the hair, the too long legs and the oh so 'hot' Jimmy Choo's! Didn't know I was that fab huh?, that was before I had my 3 bundles of joy, now I look more like, oh let's think who I resemble these days....I've got it MARGE from ShoeBox greetings, just with more dark bags under my eyes:) Maybe a little cuter, so cute that my wonderful son told me I should be on American Idol! this is the same kid who's cutting back on his green veggies mind you, not the chocolate, but the veggies, too much of a good thing and all that.
Hey, SIS! Welcome! Hope all is well your way! *hugs* gina
Ha ha! If you bui,d it, they will come!
You heard it here first! My sis is the damn best! I'm so glad you guys have come to welcome her to Bloggy Land.
And Hippi? Meltdown City, sister. That's all I'm saying.
What a sister ... now where is all the dirt? Just kidding. Are we having fun yet?
By the way, just kidding about the dirt... I love ya Buddha Girl. Thanks for the visit Buddha Girl SIS. I better add a link to you before I lose track of your blog...
ohhhhhh...I love American Idol!
When ya gonna audition?!?!? ;-)
Well, Welcome. I'd offer up the tour, But I'm sure b.G.'s already shown you the place...Just try to keep track of where the bathrooms are. You never know when the urge will overtake you.
Yep, come on in, Chat freely.... B.G. tells us you enjoy shoes? Well, I've been wondering...I need a new pair of dress shoes, any suggestions? And no, No high heels......see ya around.
sorry i'm a little late in welcoming you. but welcome anyway!
i adore your sister - and if she's still speaking to you - after growing up wid ya, ya can't be all bad, now can ya?
nice to meet ya. stop by for coffee sometime.
we have a lot to talk about - i have three little ones too.
and a shoe addiction i cannot afford...