Oh, the drama...
Good weekend, I think, I don't really remember much of it between the 3 birthday parties, horse back riding lessons, supposed dinner date with friends that turned into the shopping trip from haites, play dates, church, religion classes for the kids, tax preparation for friends, that's right I do taxes FOR FREE on the side, why? I LIKE IT, I know crazy right, pooping baby (little beaner is on antibiotics for the first time, she is getting over an ear infection and they are giving her little 15 week old body the poopies!)
But it was good I think, I'm tired, ready to get back to work and rest a little:)
My lost post of last week explored my need to be a little selfish, I really wanted to be for a day, and in my search for a little "me" time, I made it a point to go to Starbucks more than once this weekend, it helped, truly, getting that Breve Latte a few times, even with children in tow was relaxing, empowering even.
On to real news though, Hubby is on the mend, REALLY! So good to have him back ya know, for a bit there it was touch and go, wasn't sure where or when we'd land from the cosmos that was his being sick, but things are measurably better and I am happy for him and our family. He's decided that he wants to go back to work, not sure when or doing what, but the search begins. (History lesson: My hubby is a retired policeman, he retired for a few reasons, the least of which is the horrible compensation offered to those that protect and serve, along the lines of the horrible treatment that educators get (small prayer for my sisters here++), more so because of health concerns and it coincided with the addition of our last child, Little Bean, who he decided he'd like to stay home with) The thought of finding quality full-time child care is making me queasy, breathe. We'll see how this goes, I was all ready for the kids to be home with him for the summer, no day care, just a couple of weeks of summer camp maybe, well the search is on now, must find fun and educational entertainment and activity for offspring, keep their imaginations, bodies, and minds working....the pressure!
Hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, it's not just for the Irish ya know! My son, Greenie, well he embraced this holiday this year, immersed his 6 year-old self in everything St. Paddy related. He spouted the history of St. Patrick, which I found quite entertaining, I didn't know it all that's for sure, http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/stpatricksday/?page=patrick, he had to make a leprechan trap for school, we colored our milk green, lots of fun things around the house had tricks played on them. I was looking for his kelly green polo shirt for him to wear and he winks at me and said, " I don't want to wear green, I WANT to get pinched!"
Have I stated here before how much I HATE WALMART, well I do, and the shopping trip with a friend this weekend proved it all over again, she insisted I just must try this superwalmart that she goes to, I did, I HATED IT, filled with rank dirty displays, just gross looking I tell ya, I felt like I needed to wash the second I walked in, greenie sat down on the floor, I FREAKED, GET UP GET UP, I had to purell him immediately, doodle girl knows better, she wouldn't touch anything without a papertowel in her hand, LOVE IT. held Little Bean in her carrier the whole time and left early, not to mention the rude help there, NO HELP is better than that.
Well, off I go, we have a Dr. Seuss read-a-thon again tonight, bring on the SNEECHES!
But it was good I think, I'm tired, ready to get back to work and rest a little:)
My lost post of last week explored my need to be a little selfish, I really wanted to be for a day, and in my search for a little "me" time, I made it a point to go to Starbucks more than once this weekend, it helped, truly, getting that Breve Latte a few times, even with children in tow was relaxing, empowering even.
On to real news though, Hubby is on the mend, REALLY! So good to have him back ya know, for a bit there it was touch and go, wasn't sure where or when we'd land from the cosmos that was his being sick, but things are measurably better and I am happy for him and our family. He's decided that he wants to go back to work, not sure when or doing what, but the search begins. (History lesson: My hubby is a retired policeman, he retired for a few reasons, the least of which is the horrible compensation offered to those that protect and serve, along the lines of the horrible treatment that educators get (small prayer for my sisters here++), more so because of health concerns and it coincided with the addition of our last child, Little Bean, who he decided he'd like to stay home with) The thought of finding quality full-time child care is making me queasy, breathe. We'll see how this goes, I was all ready for the kids to be home with him for the summer, no day care, just a couple of weeks of summer camp maybe, well the search is on now, must find fun and educational entertainment and activity for offspring, keep their imaginations, bodies, and minds working....the pressure!
Hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, it's not just for the Irish ya know! My son, Greenie, well he embraced this holiday this year, immersed his 6 year-old self in everything St. Paddy related. He spouted the history of St. Patrick, which I found quite entertaining, I didn't know it all that's for sure, http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/stpatricksday/?page=patrick, he had to make a leprechan trap for school, we colored our milk green, lots of fun things around the house had tricks played on them. I was looking for his kelly green polo shirt for him to wear and he winks at me and said, " I don't want to wear green, I WANT to get pinched!"
Have I stated here before how much I HATE WALMART, well I do, and the shopping trip with a friend this weekend proved it all over again, she insisted I just must try this superwalmart that she goes to, I did, I HATED IT, filled with rank dirty displays, just gross looking I tell ya, I felt like I needed to wash the second I walked in, greenie sat down on the floor, I FREAKED, GET UP GET UP, I had to purell him immediately, doodle girl knows better, she wouldn't touch anything without a papertowel in her hand, LOVE IT. held Little Bean in her carrier the whole time and left early, not to mention the rude help there, NO HELP is better than that.
Well, off I go, we have a Dr. Seuss read-a-thon again tonight, bring on the SNEECHES!
just so you know
you aren't writing for thin air
i read you almost every day, and read every post
i feel for you and with you
i don't comment always, but i'm here
and if it helps to know someone is thinking about you...
Yo frenzy woman. I'll yap at you tomorrow on my way to or from work. Your weekend sounds like mine. Kinda hellish. I'll give you the details tomorrow.
Suffice it to say that I'm making an appointment with the fucking DOCTOR for my fucking MIGRAINES. I've thrown up from the pain three times today. Good times. Not.
Tell Greenie I'm disappointed with his lack of avoidance for the germs available in HellMart. Let Loud Girl know I'm PREENING. So damn proud! As for the bean with the poops...Boudreaux's Butt Paste. That's all I got.
Hey Cadbury,
Thanks Sweetie, I read you too, btw, nice ass:) I'm sure all your hard work is paying off, now if I could just get back to my gym routine, these after baby #3 belly yucks will go away too!
All the Best,
Lil' Sis
i am thrilled that the husband unit is on the upswing. that is awesome.
i know that you know that i have three little ones too. but i am always amazed when the mothers of three (small ones) like us - come off sounding relatively normal and sane. where does that come from???
anyway, keep on keeping!
childcare is always a bitch - if you're bored, i got some good entries in my early days about that. check like the first or second month of my blog. it was something else...