And their off!
We're off, the whole family is going camping this weekend. It's a shocker to me too I know.
As a child it was literally the only type of vacation we ever took, we'd go camping every year, Spring Gulch campground, in Pennsylvania, a day at Hershey Park, some mini golf at the campground, shopping at the Amish country IGA grocery , SOOO GOOOD!!! and a night out at the "smorgasboard", let me tell ya the PA Dutch knew how to do it!
Lots of good memories, good times, smiles and hugs. Swimming, biking, dancing, and being stupid. My Daddy once burned a pair of Buddha Girl's shoes, they were HORRIBLE, in awful shape had tape holding them together, we went swimming one afternoon, came back and the shoes were in the fire pit. Not sure she ever truly forgave that, but he said they'd melted some from being left too close to the fire:)
We used tents, camping stove, we roughed it, but back then, I thought it was THE BEST! Never stayed in a hotel, didn't know what that fancy stuff was all about. Fast forward to today, I am a spoiled woman, my kids are spoiled, we stay at nice places, we have room service, we go the luxury route when ever possible on vacations, THEY ARE VACATIONS I say, live it up if we can! Friends of ours do the RV thing, they've been trying for years to get us to join them and this weekend we will. We are renting a camper, a nice one I think 33ft they say whatever that means, kitchen and potty and shower and beds, but still sounds a little rough to me. I think it'll be fun, we'll go on hikes and fish and they even have mini golf putt putt there, fishing and tubing (don't think it'll be that warm for tubing, but I'm packing suits just in case), it'll be such a flashback I can't wait!
Now camping with a baby, we did this once when I was a kid, some of our best friends had a newborn, me and sisters were all in highschool, they came with us and it was interesting. Well, we'll try it this weekend, my little bean, all of 4 months, will have her first camping at the same time as her older siblings. I'll let you know how it goes. Wish us luck, send us good weather, fingers crossed, praying hard for that! I'm going equipped with good wine, LOTS, a book, and a happy spirit! I hope it's enough.
By the way the trip with the baby when we were kids, my parents let us all bring friends, they always did, that time there were 9 kids total with my family, only 3 were ours, the rest were friends, lots of fun. On the way home Buddha Girl drove her little sporty car with the Baby in the back seat to help out the family friends, they needed a little break , everyone thought it would be SO cute. Well on the way home, she got stuck on the wrong side of a big rig and was shoved off the highway on an off ramp, there was no ON ramp, she was lost, we had no idea where and there were no cell phones back then unless they were as big as your entire head and you were really rich!
Good times, good times! I will stay on the road with our friends guiding us, I will not get lost I hope, and I'll bring plenty of extra diapers and bottles, just in case!
Lots of Love,
As a child it was literally the only type of vacation we ever took, we'd go camping every year, Spring Gulch campground, in Pennsylvania, a day at Hershey Park, some mini golf at the campground, shopping at the Amish country IGA grocery , SOOO GOOOD!!! and a night out at the "smorgasboard", let me tell ya the PA Dutch knew how to do it!
Lots of good memories, good times, smiles and hugs. Swimming, biking, dancing, and being stupid. My Daddy once burned a pair of Buddha Girl's shoes, they were HORRIBLE, in awful shape had tape holding them together, we went swimming one afternoon, came back and the shoes were in the fire pit. Not sure she ever truly forgave that, but he said they'd melted some from being left too close to the fire:)
We used tents, camping stove, we roughed it, but back then, I thought it was THE BEST! Never stayed in a hotel, didn't know what that fancy stuff was all about. Fast forward to today, I am a spoiled woman, my kids are spoiled, we stay at nice places, we have room service, we go the luxury route when ever possible on vacations, THEY ARE VACATIONS I say, live it up if we can! Friends of ours do the RV thing, they've been trying for years to get us to join them and this weekend we will. We are renting a camper, a nice one I think 33ft they say whatever that means, kitchen and potty and shower and beds, but still sounds a little rough to me. I think it'll be fun, we'll go on hikes and fish and they even have mini golf putt putt there, fishing and tubing (don't think it'll be that warm for tubing, but I'm packing suits just in case), it'll be such a flashback I can't wait!
Now camping with a baby, we did this once when I was a kid, some of our best friends had a newborn, me and sisters were all in highschool, they came with us and it was interesting. Well, we'll try it this weekend, my little bean, all of 4 months, will have her first camping at the same time as her older siblings. I'll let you know how it goes. Wish us luck, send us good weather, fingers crossed, praying hard for that! I'm going equipped with good wine, LOTS, a book, and a happy spirit! I hope it's enough.
By the way the trip with the baby when we were kids, my parents let us all bring friends, they always did, that time there were 9 kids total with my family, only 3 were ours, the rest were friends, lots of fun. On the way home Buddha Girl drove her little sporty car with the Baby in the back seat to help out the family friends, they needed a little break , everyone thought it would be SO cute. Well on the way home, she got stuck on the wrong side of a big rig and was shoved off the highway on an off ramp, there was no ON ramp, she was lost, we had no idea where and there were no cell phones back then unless they were as big as your entire head and you were really rich!
Good times, good times! I will stay on the road with our friends guiding us, I will not get lost I hope, and I'll bring plenty of extra diapers and bottles, just in case!
Lots of Love,
Holy Cripes! Hell HAS frozen over! YOU'RE going camping? *rubbing my hands together*
This will be fodder for the story mill, folks.
Oh yeah, I never forgot the shoe burning incident. A shoe whore like you should understand sentimental value and such!
i love camping
most of the places we have to go camping are either dryland parched crap, or if there are trees it's bear country
bear country camping with kids
clean and sweep and wash and pack everything up every time you use it. food, dishwashing soap, dishwater, shampoo, toothpaste, etc attracts bears
if you're doing bush camping or a canoe trip without kids - it's a glorius thing
enjoy yourself