Wow, it's been a week
since my last bloggy, where has the time gone...so busy. Relay was a HUGE success lots of fun, they did an article in last Sunday's paper on Emily which was really nice 2 pretty good pics of her and I at Relay, one of her teachers laminated it for her and gave it to her, other teachers hung copies of it in their classrooms, she was SHINING!!!
Things are good, I'm happy, kids happy, baby is growing like a weed and hubby feels pretty good! Waiting now for the clouds to open up and bestow some bad news on me but I'll try and stay positive, really I will, it just seems like when things start going well, something crappy happens, and I don't want that to become a self-fulfilling prophecy so I'll stop talking it up right now!
On a very sweet note, a family that we see at Relay, friends of my big sister's they are originally from the Bronx, and parents now live in the South, well they spent a lot of time holding the baby at Relay, and the mom says to me, "Sweetie, I don't see little white babies too often, but this one is just beautiful, she's so pink, she's like a big ball of cotton candy, that's what I'll call her, my little Cotton Candy!" Well, we've been calling her that all week, I'm wondering if the nickname may scar her as she grows older, but she is so cute and pink, it fits!
On another note, we know someone, who apparantly is a little freaky in the bedroom from what he said, well he likes to videotape him and his lovely lady, what the hell for I do not know, and just like you hear about, the TAPE got OUT, accidentally to a friend, boy this is bad stuff, but what did they think would happen??? Awful, and at the same time I did laugh, so mean I know, but who would think it!!! Do they not watch E!?? Thing of it is, the lady in question does not know it "got out" and doesn't know that people have seen her in lets just say not her best presentation I'm told. WHY people WHY!!!
I have no way to transition after that one so I'll just move on.
Dear mother asked me to read a bible verse at her wedding, I asked if it was from Revelations and she just looked at me with a none to happy grin.
I better imbibe some of the wine before hand, who know what'll happen at this fiasco.
Till next time, lots of love to all of you in bloggy land and remember, keep your personal videos in a safe place!
Things are good, I'm happy, kids happy, baby is growing like a weed and hubby feels pretty good! Waiting now for the clouds to open up and bestow some bad news on me but I'll try and stay positive, really I will, it just seems like when things start going well, something crappy happens, and I don't want that to become a self-fulfilling prophecy so I'll stop talking it up right now!
On a very sweet note, a family that we see at Relay, friends of my big sister's they are originally from the Bronx, and parents now live in the South, well they spent a lot of time holding the baby at Relay, and the mom says to me, "Sweetie, I don't see little white babies too often, but this one is just beautiful, she's so pink, she's like a big ball of cotton candy, that's what I'll call her, my little Cotton Candy!" Well, we've been calling her that all week, I'm wondering if the nickname may scar her as she grows older, but she is so cute and pink, it fits!
On another note, we know someone, who apparantly is a little freaky in the bedroom from what he said, well he likes to videotape him and his lovely lady, what the hell for I do not know, and just like you hear about, the TAPE got OUT, accidentally to a friend, boy this is bad stuff, but what did they think would happen??? Awful, and at the same time I did laugh, so mean I know, but who would think it!!! Do they not watch E!?? Thing of it is, the lady in question does not know it "got out" and doesn't know that people have seen her in lets just say not her best presentation I'm told. WHY people WHY!!!
I have no way to transition after that one so I'll just move on.
Dear mother asked me to read a bible verse at her wedding, I asked if it was from Revelations and she just looked at me with a none to happy grin.
I better imbibe some of the wine before hand, who know what'll happen at this fiasco.
Till next time, lots of love to all of you in bloggy land and remember, keep your personal videos in a safe place!
Holy crap. I am dying laughing.
I MUST tell our fellow bloggers that I KNOW the couple whose sexual escapades are now public knowledge. I also know that the husband of this couple is living a fucking lie if he thinks the people who saw his wife giving him HEAD in the nude will even dream of keeping this a secret. She's gonna find out he's hidden this little fact from her...and the proverbial shit will hit the fan.
I'm still snickering. Lil Sis told me about this debacle while I was waiting on line at WalMart. I couldn't hold back the giggles and lewd comments. Let's just say I didn't make any friends at Hell Mart tonight.
I will also attest to the fact that my friend's mom DID call the baby her "cotton candy." This woman is hysterical. She's also addicted to babies. She loved all over the baby and Buddha while at Relay.
As for reading a Bible verse...no comment. Perhaps you should just dip your hand in holy water and smack the antichrist in the forehead while screaming, "Demon!!!!! Be gone!!!!!!"
cotton candy... TOO cute.
and i dare you to smack the anti-christ, per BG's instructions...
i am crossing my fingers that the good things keep coming for you
how someone could dream of doing videotaping of that variety, and not treat that tape with the same care you would either a million dollars or nuclear waste, i cannot say.
you have to shake your head
as for l'il cotton candy
i'm giggling here
that's a very cute name