I'm BACK!!
So good to be back, had a marvelous time the resort was spectacular, good times had by all, the kids especially. We brought the baby to my sister's house (not Buddha girl, Kathy's house, she and her kids had spring break also) for the duration of vacation and we took her 2 kids 8 and 10 yrs old with us and our 2 (ages 6 & 7)...they went to the amusement park every day, this place is great, family friendly, lots of cool things, they swam every day, played golf, did kid activity classes, isn't much they didn't do. They loved the room service too, as did I. Husband got food poisoning on Sunday, our second day there, so I took the four to the amusement park, Busch Gardens, by myself, I don't recommend this for the weak of heart or anyone lacking patience. Also, do not do unless you have some serious money to burn! It was fun though and hubby was all better come Monday morning, I did the room service for dinner on Sunday night, was not going to the restaurant with them after a day of rides, we were all pooped, had the food brought in and then had the bellman come light a fire in our fireplace in the living room, was amazing they all ate and passed out in front of it. The facility was great, a true resort in the old school sense if ya know what I mean...they do it all for you if you want. The people were wonderful, accomodating and really really really nice to children. I don't find this as often as I'd like at highend resorts, some don't want the kiddies around, but not this joint, they were loving the kids!!! Made the vacation just perfect.
One note: On the friday we were leaving, my boss says to me, "hey lil'sis, when was the last time you took a real vacation? usually your time off is for illness, funeral, hospital stays?" In my 4 years here, I've taken ONE real vacation, and it was only 3 days b/c we already had 2 off that week, he knew it. I really have used up my time alotted on illnesses, husband and father, having little bean last year took time, doc appts. for all. It really eats it up. Not a big deal really, we're always so busy I think we don't really notice, and then there's the fact that I LOVE WHAT I DO...I know it's odd, but I really do, I love my job, I love the 2 guys I work with...yep just the 3 of us and no office politics at ALL...somedays coming here is what saves my sanity, many many days in fact. My sisters are always saying, "Are you all hiring anytime?" It is a wonderful job and I am very blessed, well on Friday, bossman says when he comes back from a morning meeting that I should leave early, get a start on my vacation, I say SURE! Then he says he just needs one thing before I go, I say ok, he says, I need to give you this, he hands me an envelope, nondescript, I recognize it as one of his personal very nice stash. My name written on the outside...he says, "just a little something for you and the family, a little 'mad money' do something you wouldn't normally do with it" SHOCK, AWE, SILENCE from me, I can't take it, he insists. He knows that since husband has retired, (medical) we've been managing things much closer than in the past, dollars are more accounted for, and since new baby came, even more so, I'm not complaining here, just saying we've gotten stricter.
I leave work, I'm in the parking garage, I open the envelope, no SHIT, 10 crisp $100 dollar bills, I'm not LYING!!!! I call hubby, I'm in tears amazing, wow, we'll be able to really spoil the kids now!!!!! I'm happy, overwhelmed, I feel very appreciated, I'm a little sad that money is doing this to me, making me feel SO DARN GOOD, but it did and I was feeling it!
It came in handy, we used it, almost all of it, and it was good. Glad to be back, glad to be home in my house, Easter was good, back to work, lots to do, baseball for the kids has started and this year my kids coach says, Your boy has a great arm, good eye for the game and what a swing! I'm proud of him, my hubby looked so inflated when we left, "did you see the line drive he hit!" Loud girl enjoyed herself, she enjoys running the bases, and she like to pick the daisies in the outfield, I could care less, if she's happy, I'm happy.
I know this bloggy was all over the place today, back to work is always overwhelming with the catchup stuff to do, but it's all good. I hope all you bloggy friends are doing well. Enjoy the spring where ever you may be, it's always so short I love it though, things are new, things are looking fresh.
Now if I could just find a way to get mother to dump the antichrist and cancel the june wedding, that would top it off right!
lots of love to anyone out there listening!
One note: On the friday we were leaving, my boss says to me, "hey lil'sis, when was the last time you took a real vacation? usually your time off is for illness, funeral, hospital stays?" In my 4 years here, I've taken ONE real vacation, and it was only 3 days b/c we already had 2 off that week, he knew it. I really have used up my time alotted on illnesses, husband and father, having little bean last year took time, doc appts. for all. It really eats it up. Not a big deal really, we're always so busy I think we don't really notice, and then there's the fact that I LOVE WHAT I DO...I know it's odd, but I really do, I love my job, I love the 2 guys I work with...yep just the 3 of us and no office politics at ALL...somedays coming here is what saves my sanity, many many days in fact. My sisters are always saying, "Are you all hiring anytime?" It is a wonderful job and I am very blessed, well on Friday, bossman says when he comes back from a morning meeting that I should leave early, get a start on my vacation, I say SURE! Then he says he just needs one thing before I go, I say ok, he says, I need to give you this, he hands me an envelope, nondescript, I recognize it as one of his personal very nice stash. My name written on the outside...he says, "just a little something for you and the family, a little 'mad money' do something you wouldn't normally do with it" SHOCK, AWE, SILENCE from me, I can't take it, he insists. He knows that since husband has retired, (medical) we've been managing things much closer than in the past, dollars are more accounted for, and since new baby came, even more so, I'm not complaining here, just saying we've gotten stricter.
I leave work, I'm in the parking garage, I open the envelope, no SHIT, 10 crisp $100 dollar bills, I'm not LYING!!!! I call hubby, I'm in tears amazing, wow, we'll be able to really spoil the kids now!!!!! I'm happy, overwhelmed, I feel very appreciated, I'm a little sad that money is doing this to me, making me feel SO DARN GOOD, but it did and I was feeling it!
It came in handy, we used it, almost all of it, and it was good. Glad to be back, glad to be home in my house, Easter was good, back to work, lots to do, baseball for the kids has started and this year my kids coach says, Your boy has a great arm, good eye for the game and what a swing! I'm proud of him, my hubby looked so inflated when we left, "did you see the line drive he hit!" Loud girl enjoyed herself, she enjoys running the bases, and she like to pick the daisies in the outfield, I could care less, if she's happy, I'm happy.
I know this bloggy was all over the place today, back to work is always overwhelming with the catchup stuff to do, but it's all good. I hope all you bloggy friends are doing well. Enjoy the spring where ever you may be, it's always so short I love it though, things are new, things are looking fresh.
Now if I could just find a way to get mother to dump the antichrist and cancel the june wedding, that would top it off right!
lots of love to anyone out there listening!
that is such a nice thing for your boss to do
things like that mean so much
just a few extra moments on a vacation - and it always seems to be a few dollars between nice and something really special
a stop in a hot springs - a nifty ice cream stop - a meal in the room
i am so glad things went well and you had some reaxation and time to be you
*clapping hands*
Three cheers for bossman! I love that guy!
Lil Sis called me right after she talked to her husband guy. I was grinning from ear to ear when I heard the news. Nothing like a wad of mad money to make things a little easier!
Give bossman a hug from me!