Cool as a Zen Cucumber, That's ME
Are You a Slacker Mom?
My quiz results make me a Zen Mom
"How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world. "
See how you do, the link is below, I'm not sure I'm as Zen as it says, but I was pleasantly surprised at my results.
To all you HNT folks, I would if I could, have no idea how to put pics on and don't have time to learn today, in any event, you'd not get anything racy that's for sure, smooches to all of you daring soles willing to bare it for the day!
Lots of love,
My quiz results make me a Zen Mom
"How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world. "
See how you do, the link is below, I'm not sure I'm as Zen as it says, but I was pleasantly surprised at my results.
To all you HNT folks, I would if I could, have no idea how to put pics on and don't have time to learn today, in any event, you'd not get anything racy that's for sure, smooches to all of you daring soles willing to bare it for the day!
Lots of love,
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